Dr. Garth Davies, Professor
Policing, Research, Terrorism
Areas of Expertise and Strengths
- expertise in advanced statistical analysis relating to crime
- extensive university teaching in Criminology
- researcher in police use of force
Prof. Garth Davies is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and is the Associate Director of the Institute of Violence, Terrorism, and Security at Simon Fraser University. He is also a research associate with the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies at SFU (ICURS), the International CyberCrime Research Centre (SFU), and the Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV). Dr. Davies’s predominant area of expertise is advanced statistical analysis.
Dr. Davies has been involved with numerous policing-based research projects, including those for the Vancouver Police Department, Surrey RCMP Detachment, Richmond RCMP Detachment, Burnaby RCMP Detachment, and several research projects for “E” Division RCMP, including two evaluations of the British Columbia Real-Time Intelligence Centre (RTIC-BC). In these projects, Dr. Davies has aided in conducting evaluations of entire detachments or departments (Surrey RCMP, RTIC-BC, Burnaby RCMP) or specific aspects of police organizations (the service delivery model of Richmond RCMP). At present, he is working on a multi-year analysis of police use of force. In all of these projects, Dr. Davies has been responsible for creating research methods; collecting, cleaning, and managing quantitative and qualitative data; statistical analyses of data; and the writing up of research results. He has also presented these findings to police leaders and municipal councils. He is the author or co-author of dozens of reports and articles related to policing and public safety.
Dr. Davies has also presented at dozens of national and international conferences, including the Western Society of Criminology, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and the American Society of Criminology. He has also presented at briefings for the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (“E” Division), the Canadian Security Intelligence Services, and Public Safety Canada, and has testified on national security issues in front of both the Canadian Parliament, as well as the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defense. Finally, as the former Co-Director of the Terrorism, Risk, and Security Studies program as SFU, Dr. Davies was responsible for the creation of an online Master’s program for law enforcement and other professionals. In this capacity he has developed and delivered (or assisted with the development and delivery of) over a dozen online courses.