Staff Sgt. Rom Ranallo
Firearms, Tactics, Police Training
Areas of Expertise and Strengths
- street policing; testifying in court
- streets drugs and their use; work with drug addicts and the mentally ill
- firearms expert with extensive training experience
- firearms tactics
Rom is the current Range Master at the Vancouver Tactical Training Centre and his experience with firearms spans three decades. He has certification status in pistols, shotguns, and carbines. Rom has trained police officers at the municipal, provincial and federal levels in shooting and firearm tactics. He has provided over 500 firearm safety and “LIVE-FIRE” demonstrations to various community groups and is a proud member of the National Tactical Officers Association, National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association, and the International Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association.
As a former beat patrol officer, he has significant understanding of street drugs and their effects on the addicts and the communities in which they live and the violent nature of criminal activities.