Searching Tips
d) Body Cavity Searches
It is common practice in many jail settings to conduct strip searches, especially on those arrestees who have concealed drugs on their person.
The failure to find drugs inside a jail can have consequences both the carrier (who might be beaten up for his stash) or for the user (overdose).
Drugged prisoners might overdose, turn dangerously psychotic, or if not physically murderous.
Sometimes strip searches might be conducted discretely on the street in an alcove, spare room, etc.
Male officers can provide blind cover for their female searching officers by positioning themselves with their backs to them as to provide privacy to the arrestee without abandoning their crucial cover duties.
PRO TIP: Criminals will tape contraband to the bottoms of their feet, as well as being placed in other body parts of their bodies like under hair (wigs), inside mouths (including jaw cavities where teeth have been extracted), under the tongue, inside ear canals, under fat flaps, not to mention inside the rectum, vagina, and under breast tissue.
Indeed, small items such as drugs, handcuff keys, and razor blades are commonly found hidden in the nooks and cervices of hardcore criminals (“suitcasing” is a pretty descriptive term for this type of hidden contraband).
Where items like drugs (or even weapons) are thought to be secreted internally, then a body cavity search should be conducted under a doctor’s care of course and a with a search warrant secured.
This could include body scans, or more highly invasive proctoscopes (for anal searches) and digital sweeps, by way of warrant.
Sometimes industrial-grade laxatives are given, and the monitored prisoner is placed in an empty cell with nothing but a pot to sit on.