Odd Squad – Oct 20, 2020 Update
We just want to touch base and provide a short update with what the Odd Squad Team has been up since our last newsletter.
The past few months have been challenging times for Odd Squad Productions. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been forced to re-think how we conduct our important charitable prevention and education work for youth. Odd Squad has had to transition from our in-person education and prevention work to accommodate social and physical distancing (BC Government-mandated requirements) during the year of the pandemic. No easy task, but one that we are collectively tackling, and one that has brought challenges, but also some positive changes to Odd Squad in terms of developing new approaches in education and prevention. Please find a short update below on what has been happening with Odd Squad since our last newsletter.
We are now entering our 24th year of operations with a renovated 7500 square foot building, improved film production capacity with two new studios, and a new 10-passenger transport van donated by Railcraft International! The future looks bright for improving the reach and delivery of the valuable Odd Squad work. Thank you kindly for your ongoing friendship, support and financial contributions that keep Odd Squad going!
With Much Appreciation,
Toby Hinton
ED, Odd Squad Productions
On November 2nd, 2020 Odd Squad Productions, in partnership with Safer Schools Together, will be hosting an online forum on Vaping with Subject Matter Experts Dr. Marvin Krank and Doug Rogers.

Become an Odd Squad member (and in the process gaining free access to all of our film work!) and help by donating to the work of Odd Squad! Any financial donation over $50 will receive a charitable receipt.
Thank you kindly everyone who has reached out to support us, the volunteers who we rely on so heavily, the individuals and businesses who keep Odd Squad going, and the members who collectively make up Odd Squad. The investment in youth, education and prevention work is one of the best investments we can make for our youth. The grass-roots support for Odd Squad with contributions from young students through to retired police officers and everything in between is something that we do not take for granted!
The members of Odd Squad remain committed to the goal of providing education and prevention for our youth on issues affecting the community, focusing on gang and drug issues. These issues are as more important than they ever were with the added social stressors around COVID.
We have started our facility back up to meet the school year with on-line presentations on substance abuse, vaping, youth anxiety in COVID times, and OSP/SST presentations by Det. Spencer on gang education. Other presentations being worked on are LGBTQ / First Nations Policing by Dave Steverding and Drug Education basics by Mark Steinkampf.
Special thanks to Board member Dr. Bill MacEwan who has conducted several well-attended online presentations in partnership with Safer Schools Together and Odd Squad on Substance Abuse, and Anxiety in COVID times, and has contributed the proceeds to OSP!
Our partnership with Safer Schools Together on collaborative presentations has benefitted youth, parents and educators throught British Columbia and beyond, with relevant educational presentations and has also assisted OSP with generating revenue for our continued operation.
And thanks to our partnership with the Law Enforcement Training Association (“Police Judo”) for the support with presentation work benefitting OSP.

From Top – Cst. Brendon Frick at the switcher for the Online Use of Force forum with the Moderator OSP President John Daly. Bottom Right: Steve Plitt at the switcher for S/Cst. Jill Patterson presenting on the Subject Matter Expert Course hosted by the Law Enforcement Training Association and Safer Schools Together. Bottom Left: Al Arsenault at the helm on the Police Judo Use of Force Forum.
Congratulations – OSP Member – Cst. Brendon Frick!

Brendon Frick started training with VPD Police Judo in 2014 and soon after began volunteering with Odd Squad Productions Society. His volunteer efforts started with work on the annual Odd Squad -VPD Retirement Video and then helping with the Peer-to-Peer sessions with the Jr. A Hockey Mentorship Program. Over the years, Brendon has taken on a larger role with Odd Squad with video editing, filming, website design and presentations – working on numerous educational projects including the “Understanding Fentanyl Series” and “Gangs and Guns 2020”. Brendon then joined the Vancouver Police Department Traffic Authority program in 2017, and was quickly cross-trained as a Community Safety Officer and a VPD Jail Guard in 2018. Brendon was awarded the Odd Squad Volunteer of the Year award in 2018. In September Brendon was hired as a Constable with the Vancouver Police Department!
A Few of The Volunteers

Brian Shipper has managed the new OSP facility build-out and operation, overseeing a busy month in August to complete the online studio, including soundproofing, paint, wiring, carpet, doors and windows as well as build and finish the second edit suite to assist with film production, close off the storage area, and remove the rubber matting in the rear of the premises as well as look after the yard and maintenance. This project cost was made possible by the fundraising contributions to Odd Squad and was assisted by hundreds of hours of volunteer time including teams of OSP volunteers regularly cleaning and painting the facility. This capital improvement was needed to move OSP out of an educational slowdown during COVID shutdowns and bring us to a better place for delivering training.
The New and Improved Space

Individual Supporters!


We have been greatly supported and helped during the past year by our ongoing corporate partners:
BC Housing assisting OSP with facility space for our prevention and education work
Henderson Development long term supporters of Odd Squad Productions – Special thanks to supporter Allen Lai!
Ray Bergen and Canreal Management Corp contributed 5k for the second year of a 3-year commitment he arranged with several business partners.
Washington Kids Foundation – Seaspan will be the corporate sponsor for the November 2nd, 2020 Vaping Drug Education OSP online presentation with Subject Matter Experts Dr. Marvin Krank and Educator Doug Rogers.
Safer Schools Together long-term support and help for Odd Squad with the delivery of online education and training programs
The Hamber Foundation recently provided funding for a large presentation and projection screen for OSP HQ
The Vancouver Police Foundation provided funding for a series of one-day Fall 2020 OSP physical literacy Pro-D days for youth and support for the educational work of Odd Squad Productions
Railcraft Industries – OSP Golf Tournament supporters, contributed 5k in a recent donation, recently assisted OSP with the fabrication and installation of an emergency escape ladder in the back (a $1500 value), and just donated 32k toward the purchase of a 2018 10-passenger Ford Transit van for OSP! This van will be parked at OSP and will be incredibly helpful for the ongoing film work, facility work, and delivery of programs and training by Odd Squad.
Park Insurance – long time supporters of Odd Squad and helping OSP with support for vehicle insurance. Special thanks to Brian Fitzpatrick!
The Law Enforcement Training Association long-time supporters of Odd Squad Productions with financial contributions, volunteer help and event staging
The Vancouver Police Union – long term support for the work of Odd Squad Productions.